Correction policy

We are dedicated to prioritizing accuracy over immediacy. Should you identify any errors or omissions in our reports, please inform us promptly. Our team is committed to rectifying any such issues transparently and swiftly.

Corrections or complaints can be directed to “ Alternatively, you can provide feedback through the Contact Us section on our website. We assure you that all correspondence will be thoroughly reviewed, and responses will be provided in the shortest time possible.

For clarity in addressing your concerns, comments and complaints should be articulated as precisely as possible. If applicable, please include links to publicly accessible reference materials or data.

While we may not be able to fact-check every suggested claim, we guarantee to review all submissions. To qualify for research, a claim must be a public statement attributable to a specific individual or organization, capable of validation or refutation, based on past or present actions, and widely shared, potentially impacting the public if left unchecked.

You can submit a claim through the “Contact Us” page on our website, keeping in mind that our focus is on fact-checking claims rather than individuals.

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